A safe and nurturing space to build your confidence and skills

We're dedicated to offering safe and nurturing spaces for people experiencing mental health difficulties to build confidence and skills, and to find support and growth through our café, horticultural and craft activities.

More about The Recovery Tree Charity
Garden visitors

Who are The Recovery Tree Charity?

We are based in Swindon, and through the Olive Tree Café and TWIGS Community Gardens, as well as other local partnership projects, we are dedicated to providing the support that people experiencing mental health difficulties need to live their best lives. We also provide them with a voice through our work with local government and voluntary sector partners.

Phyllida Richards
Olive Tree Cafe Manager

“Here’s why we do this. Recently, one of our volunteers came in for coffee with a friend. The next day she was volunteering, and told me that as she was driving home at the end of the day she had a glimpse of ‘what a sense of belonging might feel like’ – she had never had that growing up, or in her work life… although she had provided that for many others.”

Graham Wiltshire
Cafe customer

“...it’s great to see people blossom as they gain confidence to take orders, serve at a table and take on cooking skills. It’s a calm environment and has a lovely outside area for spring and summer, and every now and then a piano player provides a lovely musical backdrop.”

TWIGS garden visitor

“A wonderful place, leaving us with so many rich memories – trees, flowers, water, bees, leaves, so much meaning – created so beautifully.”

Adam Rose
New College Foundation Learning Lecturer and Job Coach

"The environment within Olive Tree Cafe was perfect for our students and the feedback from staff was supportive and encouraging. The team dynamic and bond within Olive Tree was so strong and despite the students being new, they were welcomed in from the get-go."

TWIGS service user

“I’ve started to gain confidence and feel better. Attending TWIGS has been a major part of this, to the point that I felt ready to start a small part-time job, and to my astonishmentI got the job on my first try! I dearly love coming to TWIGS and it has been such a wonderful help to me.”

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Upcoming events

The Olive Tree Café (based in Toomer's Garden Centre) offers more than just delicious food and beverages!  It’s a hub for social interaction and relaxation. We provide work-related opportunities for our service users in a whole host of different roles and the café is open to the general public as well as organised groups.

Olive Tree Cafe

A hidden jewel in Swindon, TWIGS Community Gardens offer beautiful and vibrant spaces for community, contemplation, shared learning and growth. As well as providing welcoming and inclusive environments for people experiencing mental health difficulties, the gardens are open to visitors throughout the year.

TWIGS Community Gardens