Support us

Ways to get involved

We would love to have you as part of our team and there are a whole host of ways to get involved with our work, from volunteering within TWIGS or the Olive Tree Café, to fundraising for us, or becoming a trustee.

Your help, large or small, can really make a difference!

The Recovery Tree Charity supporters
TWIGS flowers

Donate via Paypal

Your donation will make such a difference to our work and to the lives of people living with mental health difficulties. By making a donation you are helping ensure our much needed services are able to continue and grow.

Volunteers at the Olive Tree Cafe in Swindon

Volunteering and work experience opportunities

Volunteers are vital to our work. If you would like to get involved, there are many different ways that you can do so.  

Our volunteering page contains lots of useful information about the available opportunities and how to apply.

TWIGS garden

The difference we're making

Each year, we help over 200 people who have been struggling with their wellbeing. With our help, they can feel more confident and face the world more easily. Most can go on to do something with their lives which would have been unattainable for them before they came to us.

15% On to further learning
8% On to further volunteering
19% On to paid work
12% On to another experience or D of E Award

Olive Tree Cafe service user

“I wake up on Mondays and know my life is a lot happier and healthier, knowing that I am spending my time giving, and getting back so much. My life would be empty without it!”

TWIGS garden visitor

“TWIGS to me is the most beautiful garden in Swindon! Stunning, inspiring and uplifting.”

Adam Rose
New College Foundation Learning Lecturer and Job Coach

"The environment within Olive Tree Cafe was perfect for our students and the feedback from staff was supportive and encouraging. The team dynamic and bond within Olive Tree was so strong and despite the students being new, they were welcomed in from the get-go."

TWIGS garden visitor

“A wonderful place, leaving us with so many rich memories – trees, flowers, water, bees, leaves, so much meaning – created so beautifully.”

TWIGS service user

“I’ve started to gain confidence and feel better. Attending TWIGS has been a major part of this, to the point that I felt ready to start a small part-time job, and to my astonishmentI got the job on my first try! I dearly love coming to TWIGS and it has been such a wonderful help to me.”

Corner logo image

Contact The Recovery Tree Charity

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and one of the team will respond as soon as possible. 

The Recovery Tree Charity,
Manor Garden Centre,

Send us your enquiry

We'll respond as soon as possible.

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The Olive Tree Café (based in Toomer's Garden Centre) offers more than just delicious food and beverages!  It’s a hub for social interaction and relaxation. We provide work-related opportunities for our service users in a whole host of different roles and the café is open to the general public as well as organised groups.

Olive Tree Cafe

A hidden jewel in Swindon, TWIGS Community Gardens offer beautiful and vibrant spaces for community, contemplation, shared learning and growth. As well as providing welcoming and inclusive environments for people experiencing mental health difficulties, the gardens are open to visitors throughout the year.

TWIGS Community Gardens